Fighting for a Stronger Economy

Fighting for a Stronger Economy

Joe Biden and the Establishment in Washington are destroying the American economy for their own gain. With uncontrollable federal spending that has caused 40-year record high inflation & interest rates, socialist policies creeping into legislation, declaring war on the energy sector with their radical climate agenda, and burdensome regulations to force Americans to comply with the radical Green New Deal, Washington, DC is failing the American people and driving millions of Americans into poverty and government dependency that will cause our economy to collapse. In Congress, Charles will support legislation and policies to once again make America energy independent and energy dominant.

In Congress, Charles will be a leader in cutting taxes, slashing government spending, and standing up to radical liberals and the political establishment who are attacking our way of life. As a small business owner, Charles will make sure Washington works for Main Street, not Wall Street.

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I will stand up and fight for you.