The Weaponizing of Government

The Weaponizing of Government

Democracy is a process and not an outcome. Rather than allow the American people to decide who governs them, Joe Biden and the radical Democrats believe that, unless they get their outcome, democracy fails and, therefore, any means necessary to defend their perverted view of democracy is justified, including trampling on your constitutional rights and liberties. That is the definition of fascism/communism. They are projecting on 100 million Americans what they themselves have been doing since 2016.

Joe Biden and the radical Democrats are accusing President Trump and his supporters of doing the very things they are responsible for. Charles will work to reverse the weaponization of government against the American people and the authoritarian tactics of Joe Biden, the radical Leftists, the media,& big tech. Charles will introduce legislation and vote to defund, deconstruct, and reform the administrative state, such as the FBI and DOJ( Department of Injustice), that has turned against the American people.

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